Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fire House Tour & Scrapbook Reminder!!!

Long Time no Speak!! I apologize for the length of time between posts. I have had technical difficulties for some time now due to the fact that our home computer is on the verge of crashing! Anyway, just a reminder about the tour of the Fire Station. We will be meeting at the Morton Lane Fire Station for our 1:00 Tour. That is the Fire Station behind the school. It should be a really good time and it is one of the requirements for the boys Tiger badge. Also, make sure that you have completed all of the at home requirements as well.

On another note, about the Scrapbooks. There is some confusion about this. This Tuesday we are going to be making scrapbook pages. An option for these pages is to purchase a scrapbook to hold them that will make for a really nice keepsake. This is Only if you want to, it is not a requirement. I purchased a Scout scrapbook at Michaels for Maveric and used the 40% off coupon to get it, which made the total under $20.00. Hobby Lobby also has this scrapbook. Another option is to get a plain blue or black scrapbook. I saw these at Big Lots for $8.00. With 5 kids and one income, I understand that money can be tight, so please do not feel like you have to go out and spend a bunch of money on this. All of the pictures, pages and decorations will be provided at the meet Tuesday, with the exception of one or two family pictures that we would like for each boy to bring. I hope that helps to clear up any questions and confusion and I apologize for it not being clearer and please call or email if you still have questions.

Thank you so much for your participation in Scouts! We could not do this without you.

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