Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Smells like Peanut Butter!

Tonight the Tigers had a great time making Bird Feeders out of pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed. A huge thank you goes out to Aaron and Allison for helping to run that project outside! The boys also got to do leaf rubbings with a variety of leaves that I collected from around our yard. One of the boys commented on how 2 of the leaves looked like Poison Oak!! I gathered those up quickly and put them away, so if any mysterious rash appears on your son...anyway! We also talked about their visit to the Sam Davis Home and the differences and similarities of life then and now. We took a vote and it was unanimous, all of the boys are glad that they live in 2008!! For those Tigers that don't quite have the Bobcat Requirements down, continue to work on those and let us know if you memorize them before Tuesday so that you can receive your badge at the Pack Meeting. Thanks again parents for your commitment to Scouts!

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