Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our Hike/Weenie Roast is Almost Here!
Hey Tigers and Parents, Our Hike and Weenie Roast is almost here! Just a reminder to make sure you are working on the items for your Bobcat Badge. We would love for everyone to receive their badges together at the next Pack Meeting. Also, there is no meet tonight. We will see everyone on Saturday at 5 at the Sharp Springs Sage Hill Shelter. If you need directions please email Tammy or myself. Don't forget to bring the item that you signed up for and a 2 liter drink!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
September 23rd, Pack Meeting!
We are on our way!!! Tonight We had our Pack Meeting. Each Den awarded their boys for any achievements and shared what they had been learning. Each one of our Tigers earned their "Immediate Recognition Emblem" to put on their shirt for knowing the salute, handshake and motto. Clark and Maveric were awarded their "Bobcat Badge" for knowing all of the requirements for that. I know that at the next pack meeting we will be awarding a lot of Bobcat Badges. *Parents, please be working on the remaining items for the Bobcat so that they will have them down by the October 4th Hike/Weenie Roast. We need to give notice in advance of what badges need to bought at the scout store, so we were hoping to tell him that we need 16 Bobcat Badges!
Also, we watched a video and discussed our fundraiser for Popcorn Sales. If you did not get an order form and information for this, leave a comment and we will make sure that your son brings that home from school on Thursday.
To our Tigers that could not be here tonight, we missed you and hope that we will see you October 4th! See the posts below for the "homework" for this week. Thank you parents for your support.
Clark looking sharp in his uniform, was awarded his Immediate Recognition Emblem and Bobcat
Maveric was awarded his Immediate Recognition Emblem and his Bobcat Badge
Also, we watched a video and discussed our fundraiser for Popcorn Sales. If you did not get an order form and information for this, leave a comment and we will make sure that your son brings that home from school on Thursday.
To our Tigers that could not be here tonight, we missed you and hope that we will see you October 4th! See the posts below for the "homework" for this week. Thank you parents for your support.
Clark looking sharp in his uniform, was awarded his Immediate Recognition Emblem and Bobcat
Maveric was awarded his Immediate Recognition Emblem and his Bobcat Badge
Logan and Tyler, or Tyler and Logan:) With their Immediate Recognition Emblems
Victor looking sharp with his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Ethan C. wearing his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Maddux proudly displays his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Daniel with his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Ethan R. with his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Bryce gives us a different view of his Immediate Recognition Emblem!
Landon with his Immediate Recognition Emblem
Austin with his Immediate Recognition Emblem
It was a bit of a struggle to get the Emblem on the button, but Alison won!! Tiger moms r tough!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tiger Take Home for the Week Of September 23rd
Parents at home this week, do Family Activity 5F. (Go Outside and Watch the Weather) on pages 71-73 in your Tiger Book.
Also, make sure you have completed the Tiger Take Home from September 16th in the post below.
These activities will get you and your Tiger one step closer to his Tiger Badge!
Also, make sure you have completed the Tiger Take Home from September 16th in the post below.
These activities will get you and your Tiger one step closer to his Tiger Badge!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tiger Take Home for the Week Of September 16th
Parents, Each week we are going to "assign" one of the family activities for you to do with your son. This will be called the Tiger Take Home. They are simple activities that only take a few minutes. This weeks Tiger Take home is to do pages 37-39 in your Tiger Cub Handbook and complete requirement 1F. This is to think of one chore that you and your son can do together. Parents this works out great for you! After you have completed these pages, you can sign and date the line that reads Akela's OK, because as your son learned you are their number one AKELA!!
Also, please go over "A Bobcat Requirement" with your son. This begins at the second page of the book and is a list of safety rules for your son. Pages 25-27 are a welcome to Tiger Cubs. And don't forget to be working on the Bobcat Badge requirements on pages 29-35. Thanks again and we will see you Tuesday, September 23 @7:00 pm for our Pack Meeting!!
Also, please go over "A Bobcat Requirement" with your son. This begins at the second page of the book and is a list of safety rules for your son. Pages 25-27 are a welcome to Tiger Cubs. And don't forget to be working on the Bobcat Badge requirements on pages 29-35. Thanks again and we will see you Tuesday, September 23 @7:00 pm for our Pack Meeting!!
September 16, 2008 Tiger Den Meet
Our First meet was a lot of fun! The boys had fun playing "Tell it Like it Isn't" and learning the requirements for their Bobcat Badges. We practiced our motto, handshake, salute, sign, promise, and the law of the pack. We also talked about who Akela is. Parents be sure and make it to the Cub Scout Store to get your boys Tiger Scout Handbook, shirt, neckercheif and slide, cap, Middle Tn Council shoulder patch, Unit numerals 1001, Den Patch and World Scout Crest Emblem. The scout shop is located inside Haynes Hardware in Murfreesboro 1807 Memorial Blvd 37129. Scout shop hours are Mon-Fri 1:00 pm-6:00 pm Sat 11:00 am-3:00 pm, phone#867-4690. We are looking forward to an awesome year!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tenative Schedule for Tigers
September 16- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
* Play “Tell it like it isn’t” * Work on Tiger Totem/Bobcat Badge
September 23- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
October 4th- Field Trip: Sharp Springs Park Sage Hill Shelter for a hike and weenie/marshmallow roast. 5-7 pm.*Need to have Bobcat Badge requirements by this date.
October 21- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Leaf Rubbing *Feed the Birds *Flag Ceremony
October 28- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
November 18- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Food Pyramid *Learn the Rules of Football
November 22- Scout Day @MTSU Football game. Tickets will be available for Tigers and their families to attend MTSU’s Scout Day. Ticket price will include a hot dog and drink and our Tigers will be able to be on the field when the Raiders enter the stadium. More information to follow.
November 25- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
December 2- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Create a Family Scrapbook
December 6- Field Trip: The Tennessean Newspaper with lunch @McDonalds afterwards.
December 16- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Make Christmas Ornaments *Make a Christmas Snack
Have A Wonderful Winter Break!!
* Play “Tell it like it isn’t” * Work on Tiger Totem/Bobcat Badge
September 23- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
October 4th- Field Trip: Sharp Springs Park Sage Hill Shelter for a hike and weenie/marshmallow roast. 5-7 pm.*Need to have Bobcat Badge requirements by this date.
October 21- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Leaf Rubbing *Feed the Birds *Flag Ceremony
October 28- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
November 18- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Food Pyramid *Learn the Rules of Football
November 22- Scout Day @MTSU Football game. Tickets will be available for Tigers and their families to attend MTSU’s Scout Day. Ticket price will include a hot dog and drink and our Tigers will be able to be on the field when the Raiders enter the stadium. More information to follow.
November 25- Pack Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
December 2- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Create a Family Scrapbook
December 6- Field Trip: The Tennessean Newspaper with lunch @McDonalds afterwards.
December 16- Tiger Den Meeting @SCE 7:00 pm
*Make Christmas Ornaments *Make a Christmas Snack
Have A Wonderful Winter Break!!
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